Course Overview

Decision-Makers play a vital part in the overall Title IX grievance process. They are tasked with meticulously reviewing evidence and statements, determining relevance, and facilitating a sound, policy-compliant live hearing. Often, decision-makers navigate this role in addition to their full-time position. This on-demand, virtual course introduces foundational knowledge and skills to develop new decision-makers.

*Due to the release of the new Title IX regulations in April 2024, the IX Institute students enrolling in Level I training courses under the 2020 Title IX Regulations will receive a free enrollment to an addendum course for their role to ensure they receive training following the implementation of the newest Title IX Final Rule.

  • Examine a comprehensive investigation report and file.

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each party in the hearing process.

  • Evaluate evidence and questions for relevancy.

  • Conduct a compliant, due process-centered hearing.

  • Synthesize information to evaluate potential policy violations and draft a determination of responsibility.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction and Instructions

    2. Pre-Course Assessment

    3. Meet Our Speakers

    1. Lesson and Speaker Introduction

    2. History of Title IX

    3. Title IX Definitions

    4. Participants in the Title IX Process

    5. Overview of the Title IX Process

    1. Lesson and Speaker Introduction

    2. Introduction to the Title IX Regulations

    3. Sexual Harassment and Recipient Response

    4. Title IX Grievance Process for Formal Complaints

    1. Lesson and Speaker Introduction

    2. Overview of the Role of the Decision-Maker

    3. Due Process

    4. Avoiding Bias and Conflicts

    1. Lesson and Speaker Introduction

    2. Elements of the Investigation Report

    3. Interview Summaries

    4. Evidence Summaries

    5. The Investigation File

    6. Analyzing the Investigation Report and File

    7. Sample Report

    1. Lesson and Speaker Introduction

    2. Understanding Elements of Offenses

    3. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

    4. Davis Standard for Sexual Harassment

    5. Sexual Assault

    6. Dating and Domestic Violence

    7. Stalking

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 55 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Meet Your Instructors

*These are just a few of the experts you'll meet throughout the course.

Course Pricing

For group discounts (four or more) or offline invoicing, please contact our Training Coordinator, Cara Kuhn: