Certificate Courses

Provided by Title IX Solutions, the IX Institute offers course certifications for several Title IX roles. Investigators, Coordinators, Decision-Makers, Informal Resolution Facilitators, and Advisors have the opportunity to build their skills and knowledge through these certificate courses. 

Each course certification includes over four hours of instruction, as well as tools and templates. All courses are compliant with current Title IX regulations and cover the content required for each role.

Refresher Courses

The IX Institute's Refresher courses are short courses that provide Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision Makers, and Informal Resolution Facilitators the opportunity to refresh certain skills associated with their role. 

We recommend completing our certificate courses (or other similar course) before signing up for a refresher course.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses are a level up from our certificate courses. Though these courses are a higher level than our certificate courses, we do not have any prerequisites for enrolling in advanced courses. Choose the level you are most comfortable with to build your Title IX skills and knowledge; however, we recommend that those new to Title IX begin with our certificate courses in the role they are entering.


The IX Institute offers cost effective bundles for Title IX Coordinators and Title IX Investigators with our Refresher courses. 

We also offer a Core Curriculum Bundle which gives you full access to all our role-specific certificate courses. 

Available Courses